Parami Weekly Tech Report 10.18–10.24

Parami Protocol
Oct 25, 2022



  • Added “I am the owner” page to claim hNFT
  • Added batch bid advertisement scripts
  • MOD pay user the remaining when remaining is less than payout_min
  • Added try bid script in small batch
  • Added “anyone can bid” page
  • Fixed 300 problematic hNFT
  • Added cron updating Twitter influencer avatar script
  • Added “anyone can bid” support swap
  • Added “batch bid ad script” supporting CSV format
  • Fixed airdrop service catch 502
  • Fixed 0.1.0 plugin feedback


  • How to batch create asset’s icon

Testnet Phase One Completion

  • With testnet phase 1 ending, our tech has taken a snapshot of the blockchain (at blocknum 155000); the value of AD3 earned during the Testnet Phase Two period is at this time undetermined

