UPDATE | Parami Sept Recap and Q4 Prospect

Parami Protocol
3 min readOct 12, 2021

The transition between October and September was a subtle yet constructive period. Parami Team has leveraged major resources into developing Parami Wallet, the gateway to a truly decentralized, permissionless attention marketplace.

To develop new features and improve user experience, we designed the social-NFT-centered traffic aggregation solution and advertisement distribution system, redesigned the front-end wallet interface, and integrated the liquidity mining feature to give users a seamless and holistic experience.

Technology Progress

Social NFT

Completed the web3 traffic aggregation solution based on KOL social NFT and its code framework. Now, users, advertisers, and KOLs can conduct the attention transaction efficiently and permissionlessly.

Specifically, we

  1. completed the code for NFT creation, distribution, auction, query, and advertiser to create, add value, and bid for ads;
  2. designed a decentralized marketing persona scheme based on users’ on-chain information and social profiles, and have been closely working with partners to build IM-app integrated analysing models.

Liquid Swap

Integrated the Uniswap-V3-based liquidity mining feature of high utilization into the wallet app to provide one-stop AD3 asset managing, circulating, and profiting service for users.


  1. deployed user’s DID-related features (avatar DID decoding, MagicLink recovery, etc.) onto the Parami testnet network, soon available on mobile and PC apps
  2. developed a bidirectional cross-chain communication between Parami testnet network and BTC chain using the new Substrate 4.0 framework, which improved the robustness and scalability of the code
  3. fixed some bugs in front and back-end interface callbacks

Social Media

  • Twitter: 89 K+ followers (As of Oct 12th, 2021)
  • Telegram (English):100.6K+ Members (As of Oct 12th, 2021)
  • Discord:664 members (As of Oct 12th, 2021)


1. Sept 20, Parami joined the MetisDAO. Metis is an optimistic rollup Layer 2 solution that provides both efficiency and flexibility and has cradled wonderful projects like Standard Protocol (DeFi), PARSIQ (infrastructure), etc. Embarkment on an OR will boost Parami Swap development and performance, also, this introduction into a larger universe bears infinite possibilities.

👉 https://twitter.com/ParamiProtocol/status/1439985075723010050?s=20

2. Oct 3, Parami Protocol partnered with DeCredit. DeCredit features the credit loan models, linking credit authentication nodes and credit Oracle to lending products in the DeFi playground. Parami will benefit from advancing our user-ranking system with reference to the novel modelings of DeCredit’s credit oracle.

👉 https://twitter.com/ParamiProtocol/status/1444603665889648641?s=20

3. Oct 4, Parami community hosted DeCredit AMA, Jennifer guested and talked about the status quo and prospect of DeCredit. Follow and join Decredit

4. #Parami Bounty Quiz #3 and winner announced, winners 👉 https://twitter.com/ParamiProtocol/status/1442369765578657793?s=20

Q4 Prospects

For the coming Quarter, Parami Team will be all ready for

  • Initial DAO Offering
  • Community Premium Membership
  • Parami Liquid Swap launch
  • Parami Wallet launch on
  • Parami Testnet Dāna updated
  • Cross-chain support with ETH, SOL, and more

The team always understands that Parami will not make it without all Paramillionaires out there. Rain or shine, let’s make it happen hand in hand!

About Parami

Parami Protocol proposed an AD 3.0 paradigm for Web 3.0, to establish a user-centric tokenized advertising economy. AD 3.0 is the accelerator of Web3.0, fueled by Decentralized Identity (DID) and Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology stack. It aims at returning the rights and profits, which have been long exploited by Web 2.0 service providers, back to the users.

Glab to meet you at

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