UPDATE | Parami Weekly (May. 16- May. 23)
1 min readMay 23, 2022
- Meta Astro ERC-721 NFT, main net launch campaign
- Official Website
- Parami Protocol
a. Chain
1. Supported and double-checked toast when gas consumption is required.
2. Recovered entry to add liquidity to NFT fragments swap pool
3. Enhanced nft fragments reward base for single use
4. Supported double-coin rewards
1) Supported Parami chain bridge in order to support other ERC-20 tokens other than AD3
2) Added test cases of alt ERC-20 tokens for chain bridge
3) Supported selecting another asset when bidding for NFT’s promotion slot
5. Supported scoring after creating DID from validator
6. Enhanced GitHub CI utility
1) Added self-host CI server
2) Added manually deploy dev and deploy test actions
3) Added code coverage
7. Fixed Adam’s KOL preferred NFT is missing. - Solution
- Doc
a. ERC-721W introduction document