UPDATE | Parami Weekly (Sept 6 — Sept 12)

Parami Protocol
2 min readSep 13, 2021


Technological Progress

  1. finished testing the bi-directional bridge between ETH and Parami main network, the bridge running stably in the test network;
  2. finished developing Magiclink on-chain features, the front and back-end joint testing initialized;
  3. finished developing social NFT module, testing scheduled next week;
  4. upgraded the architecture of the wallet module for better stability and maintainability, and optimized the IM wallet for better user experience;
  5. developing ETH asset analysis algorithm, grounding for the on-chain DID and privacy calculation module
  6. upgraded the development framework to the latest Substrate 4.0

Social Media

  • Twitter: 68.7+ followers (As of Sept 12, 2021)
  • Telegram (English):89.1K+ Members (As of Sept 12, 2021)
  • Discord:565 members (As of Sept 12 th, 2021)


1. The Parami Echo Event ended after 4 weeks, weekly big-time winners are @Baddiebwoy, @Eric_chigozie_joshua, @Lele7447 (no ranking indicated by order). And the Third Parami Echoer @Lele7447 won 200 $AD3, while the Second and First Echoers are left blank. Parami Team will be in touch regarding the awards.

2.The first round of Parami Ambassador Program is over, the second interview is underway. Good works will be displayed on Parami Twitter. The second round of interviews is ongoing. The overall position is 15–20, admission on a rolling basis.

Infographics by Parami Ambassador @ritabell_anders

3. Parami Community is having a nice growth, Twitter followers reached 67k, Telegram members reached 100k. Let’s all cheer for the upcoming #gem project!

About Parami

Parami Protocol proposed an AD 3.0 paradigm for Web 3.0, to establish a user-centric tokenized advertising economy. AD 3.0 is the accelerator of Web3.0, fueled by Decentralized Identity (DID) and Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology stack. It aims at returning the rights and profits, which have been long exploited by Web 2.0 service providers, back to the users.

Glab to meet you at

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